Journal "Letonica"
"Letonica" is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal in publication since 1998. The journal publishes original, previously unpublished articles in the fields of the humanities and social sciences. All articles are peer-reviewed.
The journal is indexed in Scopus, ERIH PLUS and EBSCO.
Editor-in-chief: Dr. philol. Jānis Oga
Editorial Assistant: Ph.D. Ivars Šteinbergs
Editorial board: Epp Annus (Estonia), Una Bergmane, Dace Bula, Dace Dzenovska (United Kingdom), Māra Grudule, Zanda Gūtmane, Jörg Hackmann (Germany), Benedikts Kalnačs, Matthew Kott (Sweden), Toms Ķencis, Stella Pelše, Sanita Reinsone, Guntis Šmidchens (USA), Pavel Štoll (Czech Republic), Edīte Tišheizere, Gitana Vanagaitė (Lithuania), Kārlis Vērdiņš.
The journal is published by the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University Latvia.
Publishing director: Dace Krecere-Vule
To read journal online click here.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
The editor, authors, and reviewers of the journal Letonica have a responsibility to follow the standards ensuring compliance with publishing ethics. The responsibility of the magazine’s editorial board is to prevent violations of publishing ethics. The guidelines for the editor, authors and reviewers of the magazine are based on COPE’s Code of Conduct for Journal Editors.
Responsibilities of the editor
The editor makes the decision to publish an article based on the conclusion made by reviewers. The editor ensures that articles are reviewed anonymously and objectively, and that the decision to publish an article is made solely on the basis of the article’s content. The editor must ensure the confidentiality of the peer-review process.
Responsibilities of the reviewer
The reviewer observes confidentiality during the peer-review process and remains objective when reviewing articles. The reviewer determines whether references for all of the used sources have been provided in the article. If the reviewer is not sure of his or her competence in reviewing articles or if a conflict of interest forms, he or she informs the editor so that another reviewer can be appointed.
Responsibilities of authors
Authors observe the article submitting guidelines that are available on the journal's homepage. Authors submit works that are completely original and cannot submit works that are fully or partly submitted / published elsewhere. Authors are obliged to provide references to all of the sources used in the article. The manuscript authorship is limited only to those authors who have provided a significant contribution to the creation of the article.
Guidelines for Submitting Articles
Name, surname (with e-mail address next to it)
Title of article
Key words (in the language of the article): 5–6, without repeating the words in the title of the article.
Article, an account of the results of your research (from 5000 to 9000 words). The entire article must be in the Latin alphabet. Text that is in a different script (including citations and works cited) must be transliterated into the Latin alphabet using the online tool Translit (available:
Citations are formatted according to the Harvard system (see further down) – citation information is presented in parentheses in the main text.
Bibliography – a list of the literature used in the article in alphabetic order.
Title of article in English (if the main text is in Latvian) and in Latvian (if the main text is in a different language).
Key words in English and Latvian (if the main text is in a different language): 5–6, without repeating the words in the title of the article.
Summary in English and Latvian (if the main text is in a different language): 150–300 words. The main idea of the article, research sources, research methods used, main conclusions etc.
Formatting citations and works cited
Book by one author
Example citation
(Rimmon-Kenan 2002)
Example reference
Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith (2002). Narrative Fiction. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.
Book by two authors
Example citation
(Sproģe, Vāvere 2002: 25–28)
Example reference
Sproģe, Ludmila, Vāvere, Vera (2002). Latviešu modernisma aizsākumi un krievu literatūras “sudraba laikmets”. Rīga: Zinātne.
Book by three or more authors
Example citation
(Kaprāns u. c. 2012)
(Torrington et al. 2014)
Example reference
Kaprāns, Mārtiņš, Procevska, Olga, Uzule, Laura, Saulītis, Andris (2012). Padomju deportāciju pieminēšana Latvijā: atmiņu politika un publiskā telpa. Rīga: Mansards.
Torrington, Derek; Hall, Laura; Taylor, Stephen; Atkinson, Carol (2014). Human Resource Management. 9th ed. Harlow: Pearson.
Translated works
Example reference
Dumézil, Georges (1986). Verhovnye bogi indoevropejcev. Perev. Tatjany Tsivjan. Moskva: Nauka.
Kristeva, Julia (1984). Revolution in Poetic Language. Transl. by Margaret Waller. New York: Columbia University Press.
Merlo-Pontī, Moriss (2018). Uztveres fenomenoloģija. Tulk. Rinalds Zembahs. Rīga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts.
Article in a book
Example citation
(Hobson 2010: 110)
Example reference
Hobson, Marian (1987). History Traces. Attridge, Derek; Bennington, Geoff; Young, Robert (eds.). Post-Structuralism and the Question of History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 101–115.
Article in scholarly journal
Example citation
(Ķencis 2019: 52)
(Ross 2015: 270)
Example reference
Ķencis, Toms (2019). Radošais pagrieziens latviešu folkloristikā. Letonica, Nr. 39, 40.–58. lpp.
Ross, Nathan (2015). On Truth Content and False Consciousness in Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory. Philosophy Today, No. 59(2), pp. 269–290.
Article in a newspaper
Example citation
(Devlin 2011: 32)
(Pezold 1932: 3)
(Berelis 2001: 5)
Example reference
Devlin, Marcia (2011). Keys found to success by the less privileged. The Australian, 16 November, p. 32.
Pezold, Hans von (1932). Leopold von Pezold, zum hundersten Geburtstag. Rigasche Rundschau, Nr. 148, 7. Juli, S. 3.
Berelis, Guntis (2001). Heidegera kungam patīk kaķi. Literatūra un Māksla Latvijā, 29.03., 4.–6. lpp.
Archival materials
Example citation
(Eglītis [bez dat.])
Example reference
Eglītis, Viktors [bez dat.]. Vēstule Marijai Stalbovai. V. Egl. R3/18. RTMM inv. nr. 12345.
Materials online
Example citation
(Arnava 2020)
(Harris 2015)
Example reference
Arnava, Zanda (2020). Attālinātais darbs ir sadarbība un uzticēšanās. Delfi. 13.04. Pieejams: [sk. 13.04.2020.].
Weisman, Jonathan (2015). Deal Reached on Fast-Track Authority for Obama on Trade Accord. The New York Times, 16.04. Available: [Accessed 13.04.2020.].
Last time modified: 05.06.2024 17:34:16