A New Project of Disciplinary History: Latvian Folkloristics (1945-1985)
With the funding of Latvian Council of Science, ILFA launches a two-year long research project on the disciplinary history of folkloristics after World War II. Following the long term research strategy of the Institute, it extends the previous successful research grant funded by the Latvian Council of Science – study dedicated to Latvian folkloristics in the interwar period. Reflecting on current disciplinary legacy, the project’s team simultaneously considers the development of Latvian post-war folkloristics both in the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic and within the Latvian exile community.
Through simultaneous and joint research of both historical directions, the project is designed to generate and disseminate novel insights into Latvian post-war folkloristics, based on a variety of methodological approaches. The new body of knowledge generated during the project will cover not only understudied aspects of disciplinary history relevant to international audience of folklore researchers, but also provide a theoretical background for a conceptualization of Soviet cultural heritage in general. Deliverables of the project include several public events, eight peer-reviewed journal articles, two monographs, the hosting of an international scientific conference, and a joint collection of articles.
The project leader is Toms Ķencis, principal investigators are Rita Treija and Baiba Krogzeme-Mosgorda, the rest of the team includes such experienced scholars as Māra Vīksna and Gatis Ozoliņš, as well as promising doctoral students Digne Ūdre and Ginta Pērle-Sīle.Last time modified: 03.12.2018 11:42:57