Activities of Junior Researchers
May 21, 2021. Day of Junior Researchers
A conference for young researchers organized by LU LFMI and LU HZF took place on the Zoom platform, where 24 Latvian and foreign doctoral students presented their research ideas in various fields of humanities and social sciences. The research ideas were presented by Digne Ūdre, Līga Romāne-Kalniņa, Daniela Zacmane, Mētra Saberova, Arturs Skutelis, Rita Ļegčiļina-Broka, Dāvis Eņģelis, Olga Senkāne, Anna Elizabete Griķe, Ieva Zepa, Uģis Nastevičs, Natālija Burišina, Ilze Ļaksa Šteinbergs, Edgars Raginskis, Elīna Apsīte, Kitija Balcare, Elza Lāma, Maija Demitere, Milda Dailidėnaitė, Eduards Plankājs, Anastasija Smirnova and Elīna Kursīte.
June 16, 2021. Doctoral Student Seminar
The seminar took place at 11.00 on the ZOOM platform. The seminar is intended to increase the scientific capacity of the doctoral students of the institute, providing an opportunity to listen to the comments, suggestions and evaluations of colleagues about their research work. This time the focus was on the texts of Digne Ūdre and Ivars Šteinbergs.
September 16, 2020. Doctoral Student Seminar
A seminar for the doctoral students of the institute took place in the reading room of the Latvian Folklore Repository, where seven young scientists of the institute introduced the topics from the upcoming doctoral theses. Madara Eversone, Digne Ūdre, Ilze Ļaksa-Timinska, Artis Ostups, Dita Jonīte, Elīna Gailīte, Ginta Pērle-Sīle and Ivars Šteinbergs participated in the seminar.
Last time modified: 13.11.2021 14:06:11