New Letonica is issued
The 45th issue of the humanities journal "Letonica", which brings together research on various topics related to Latvian culture, is now available.
The issue is introduced by an article by philosopher Jānis Taurens on postcolonial feminism in the prose of Inga Gaile. The geopolitics of the Karosta in the prose of Andra Manfelde is the focus of literary scholar Maija Burima. Literary scholars Zanda Gūtmane and Jānis Oga discuss, respectively, the narrative of Holocaust trauma in the prose of the 1960s and the memory and literary legacy of Ēvalds Vilks.
Ethnobotanist Daina Roze has identified the presence of flowers, trees and shrubs in the memories of Kurzeme storytellers. Literary scholar Ivars Šteinbergs presents the poetry of Uldis Bērziņš as a form of resistance. Linguist Jānis Veckrācis continues the theme of translations with an article on novel "Surfacing" by Margaret Atwood in Russian and Latvian.
The issue's articles section is concluded by the Indologist Natālija Burišina with an extensive study of Indian science agents in Latvia after the Second World War.
The journal also features reviews of recent scholarly books.
Open access:
Last time modified: 02.12.2022 11:39:08