Letonica Nr. 36
- Gatis Karlsons, Rita Treija. On Tradition Archives and More
- Harry Bawono. Encouraging the Participation of Archival Institutions in Protecting and Preserving Traditional Knowledge: a Reflection on the Indonesian Case
- Flavio Carbone, Francesca Nemore. Among the Working Papers of a Paleographer: the Discovery of a Territory and its Culture
- Bryan Giemza. More than Words: Respectful Stewardship and the Balance of Community Archives
- Lauri Harvilahti. Tradition Archives and the Challenges of the Digital World: from Exclusive Rules Towards Networks and Contexts
- Pekka Henttonen, Jaana Kilkki. “Records in Contexts” and the Finnish Conceptual Model for Archival Description.
- Yanina Hrynevich, Iryna Vasilyeva. Folklore Heritage of the Local Community and Archives
- Karsten Kuhnel. Authenticity in Describing Archives – Standardisation vs. Institutional Mandates?
- Rona Razon. Improving Archival Collections’ Discoverability, Accessibility, and Usability Through Contextual Information
- Svetlana Ryzhakova. A Folkloristic and Anthropological Approach to the Study of Ritual and Performance in India: Cases of daiva-Nyama (Bhoota-kolam) and Yakshagana
- Gustavs Strenga. Bonding with ‘Friends’ and Allies. The Teutonic Order’s Confraternity and Networking Strategies of the Livonian Master Wolter von Plettenberg
- Anita Vaivade. Inventorying the Intangible: an International Context for Archival Practice
The journal is published with the support of the National Archives of Latvia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia within the budget sub-programme No. 05.04.00 “The Cabinet of Folksongs of Krišjānis Barons”.
Last time modified: 08.07.2018 13:46:15