Letonica Nr. 32
- Beata Paškevica, Pauls Daija. The Unity of the Brethren in Livonian Cultural Space.
- Jānis Krēsliņš jun. Let’s Talk and Think in Baumanis’ Way
- Swetlana Mengel, Christin Schulze-Gerlach. Pietism as the Movement of Edification: The Role of Johann Arndt’s Vier Bücher vom wahren Christentum (Four Books of True Christianity)
- Beata Paškevica. Pietism as the Foundation for the Mission of Herrnhutians in Livonia. The Early Work of Magdalene Elisabeth von Hallart.
- Jānis Šiliņš. Livonia Stories by Friedrich Bernhard Blaufuß and Latvian Unity of the Brethren
- Ineta Strautiņa. The Role of Valmiermuiža in the History of Pedagogical Education
- Pavel Štoll. Work of Czech and Latvian Unities of the Brethren and its Literary Reflections
- Jouko Talonen. Ludvigs Adamovičs as a Researcher of Livonian Herrnhutism
- Valters Nollendorfs. The Age of the Unitity of the Brethren in Arturs Baumanis’ Novel Trilogy. Literary Analysis and Critique
- Janīna Kursīte. Conversations with Baumanis: Some Sketches in the Context of the Novel Hernhūtieši (The Herrnhutians)
- Ieva Kalniņa. Arturs Baumanis’ Trilogy: Spiritual Movement in the Cultural Space of Livonia
- Inguna Daukste-Silasproģe. The Fascinating Personality of Arturs Baumanis
- Ilona Miezīte. Arturs Baumanis and His Collection at the Museum of Literature and Music.
- Rolfs Ekmanis. Eva, Jaunā Gaita (The New Course) and Dzelzsgriezēji (Iron Cutters) [Eva Eglāja-Kristsone. Dzelzsgriezēji: Latvijas un Rietumu trimdas rakstnieku kontakti]
- Sandra Meškova. Dzimtes konstruēšana (Constructing Gender): A New Tradition in Latvian Intellectual Discourse [Dzimtes konstruēšana. I-III]
- Ieva Tihovska. In the Shadow of Western Avant-garde [Latviešu mūzikas kods. Versijas par mūziku gadsimtu mijā]
- Ināra Klekere. The Third Accomplishment [Gothards Frīdrihs Stenders. Latviešu gramatika]
- Zanda Gūtmane. Research of Europe’s Silent Voices [Benedikts Kalnačs. 20th Century Baltic Drama: Postcolonial Narratives, Decolonial Options]
- Mārtiņš Mintaurs. A City in War [Mark R. Hatlie. Riga at War 1914–1919. War and Wartime Experience in a Multi-ethnic Metropolis]
Last time modified: 05.01.2018 13:03:30