Letonica Nr. 30
- Ojārs Lāms, Pauls Daija. Mapping the Trajectories of Riga Humanist Literature
- Ojārs Lāms. Who are the Humanists of Riga: a General Introduction to the Phenomenon
- Gita Bērziņa, Brigita Cīrule. The Classical Basis of Education at Riga Dome School during the 16th and 17th Centuries
- Mārtiņš Laizāns. Hyperborean Poetics: Greek Mythology in Some Texts of Riga Humanists
- Magnus Frisch. Daniel Hermann — a Well-Travelled Prussian Humanist and His Poetic Work in Riga
- Kristi Viiding. Latin in Early Modern Riga: Remarks About Languages in David Hilchen's Epistolography
- Mindaugas Strockis. Sirvydas and Elger: The Founding Fathers of Latin Lexicography in the Baltics
- Māra Grudule. Sapphic Stanza in the 17th Century Latvian Literature
- Ieva Kalniņa, Mārtiņš Laizāns. Johann Gotthelf Lindner and Riga Dome School
Last time modified: 04.05.2017 14:35:49