Letonica Nr. 29
- Rita Treija. Beyond Oral Folklore
- Ingus Barovskis. Windows in the Mythical-Magical Context
- Sergei Kruk. Semiotics of Commemorative Signs in Latvian Cemeteries
- Janīna Kursīte. The Mythical-Magical Aspects of the "Skin" of the House
- Guntis Pakalns. The Fairy Tale about the Princess on the Glass Hill— Latvian Variants in European Context
- Aldis Pūtelis. "And nothing else has been added to it…"
- Beatrise Reidzāne. Folksongs Travelling from Jānis Cimze's Song Books to the 10th Volume of Latvian Folksongs
- Jolanta Stauga. The Elements of Folklore in Latvian Press Advertisements
- Juris Urtāns. About a Cross Sign Found on Latvian Cross Stones
- Māra Vīksna. The "Road of Songs" of Emma Burka
- Linda Vorpe. "It seems to me like a fairy land, can there be anything more beautiful than that…" or Space and Border as the Identity Formation Factor for Abrene Inhabitants
- Digne Ūdre. A Dedication of 1952
- Vladislavs Urtāns. Some Notes on the Use of Latvian Archaeological Material in Latvian Folklore
- Ineta Lipša. Reviewing the Interwar Past of Latvian Folklore [Dace Bula (sast., zin. red.). Latviešu folkloristika starpkaru periodā]
- Ieva Tihovska. The Visual Part of Folklore [Folkloras vākšanas vēsture fotogrāfijās]
- Baiba Bela. A Book on Crippled Lives and an Ability to Survive [Sanita Reinsone. Meža meitas. 12 sievietes par dzīvi mājās, mežā, cietumā]
- Aldis Pūtelis. Wiev from the Both Sides [Māra Zirnīte, Aigars Lielbārdis (sast.) Baltijas Bēgļi Gotlandē Dāvida Holmerta fotogrāfijās. 1944–1945 / Baltic Refugees in Gotland in Photographs by David Holmert 1944–1945]
- Beatrise Reidzāne. Whichever Winds May Blow… [Benita Laumane. Vēju un vētru grāmata. Dabas parādību nosaukumi latviešu valodā II]
- Dace Bula. Mapping Disciplinary History: Centres, Borderlands and Shared Spaces in Folkloristic Thought
- Guntis Pakalns. "Adventures" of a Joke on April 1
- Sandis Laime. Kārlis Bukums – 130
- Rita Treija. The 90th Anniversary of the Archives of Latvian Folklore
- Beatrise Reidzāne. Folklorists Commemorate Maigone Beitiņa
- Helēna Erdmane
Last time modified: 04.05.2017 14:36:02