Letonica Nr. 28
- Kārlis Vērdiņš, Pauls Daija. Literature, Identity and Change at the Turn of Century
- Tiit Hennoste. Europeanization as Self-Colonization in Estonian Literature at the Beginning of the 20th Century: the Case of the Young Estonia Movement
- Benedikts Kalnačs. National Identity, Poetic Innovation, and Colonial Difference in fin-de-siècle Latvian Literature
- Pauls Daija. Representations of Historical Relations Among Latvians and Baltic Germans in the Literature of the Late 19th Century
- Eva Eglāja-Kristsone. "The Female Human": Case Studies of Femininity Construction and Typology in Latvian Literature and Press at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Kārlis Vērdiņš. "We Couldn't Stand His Mouth": Roberts Tautmīlis-Bērziņš and the Discourse of Male Femininity at the Beginning of 20th Century"
- Aušra Jurgutiene. Neo-Romanticism in Lithuanian Literature
Last time modified: 04.05.2017 14:36:13