LV Latviski

Journal "Letonica": on Tradition Archives and More

Letonica 36

In June 2018, the 36th issue of the interdisciplinary scholarly journal "Letonica" was published. This peer-reviewed journal is indexed in "Scopus", ERIH PLUS and EBSCO, and its contents are available online.

A year ago, the International Council on Archives’ Section on University and Research Institution Archives (ICA-SUV) held its annual conference in Riga. The conference, "Cultural Heritage Materials–University, Research and Folklore Archives in the 21st Century",was organized in cooperation with the National Archives of Latvia and the Archives of Latvian Folklore, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia. Its main focus was on the folklore archives and archival methodology regarding intangible cultural heritage. One of the key topics of the methodological and intellectual debate was the new standardization in archives, the Records in Contexts conceptual model.

This issue of the journal contains a diverse collection of articles based on the papers presented at the ICA-SUV conference in Latvia, written by Harry Bawono; Flavio Carbone and Francesca Nemore; Bryan Giemza; Lauri Harvilahti; Pekka Henttonen and Jaana Kilkki; Yanina Hrynevich and Iryna Vasilyeva; Karsten Kühnel; Rona Razon; and Anita Vaivade. Plus, there are two bonus research articles, one discussing ritual and performance studies in India by Svetlana Ryzhakova and the other focusing on medieval history in Livonia by Gustavs Strenga. The issue editors are Gatis Karlsons and Rita Treija.

Preparation and publication of this journal was completed within the framework of the budget sub-programme No. 05.04.00 "Krišjāņa Barona Dainu skapis" (The Cabinet of Folksongs of Krišjānis Barons) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia.

Last time modified: 12.07.2018 12:20:28