History, Memory and Archives: Sensitive issues
The "History, Memory and Archives: Sensitive issues" (http://www.llti.lt/en/events/) was a conference dedicated to the Centenary of Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and ultimately also Poland. It was the interim conference for the SIEF WG on Archives, in collaboration with the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore and the Nordic-Baltic Tradition Archives Network. More than 30 presentations analysed the ethical, sensitive and delicate issues in archival research and folklore research and publications in general. The Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art was represented by Baiba Krogzeme-Mosgorda (The Memory Album Collection in the Archives of Latvian Folklore: Creation and Presentation), Rita Treija (Personal Archives to Build a Disciplinary History), Māra Vīksna un Elvīra Žvarte (Diaries in the Archives of Latvian Folklore), Justīne Jaudzema (Interpretation of Archive Materials: Making a Song Repertoire), Elīna Gailīte (The Role of Harijs Sūna in the Development of the Choreography Genre at the Archives of Latvian Folklore) and Sanita Reinsone.
The papers concentrated on individual contributions to folklore research and creating archival collections, collaborations between co-workers and folklore archives, communal aspects and folklore as a means of creating national/ethnical consciousness, links and influences between politics, archives and folklore, archives as pillar stones of history and heritage preservation, digital (re)presentations of folklore collections and accessibility issues, and the future of digital folklore archives. During the closing discussion, the participants also discussed the effects of the GDPR on folklore archives and folklore research.
The conference also included a meeting of SIEF WG on Archives. This working group is in fact a part of a global network of archival researchers and researchers interested or connected to archives. The network and WG members made a decision to open a new webpage (www.traditionarchives.org) to promote the archival connections and research more prominently and also decided on the next interim conference – to be held in Amsterdam in October 2020.
The conference was organised with the support of the network "Nordic and Baltic Tradition Archives", funded by the Nordic Culture Point.
Photo: Asta Skujytė-Razmienė
Last time modified: 05.12.2018 11:53:39