The Archives of Latvian Folklore (Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art) in collaboration with the ISFNR "Committee on Charms, Charmers and Charming" is organising an international conference "CANONICAL AND NON-CANONICAL IN CHARMING TEXTS AND PRACTICES", which will take place on 6–9 September 2022 at the National Library of Latvia.
At various times and in various societies, there have existed, alongside the texts and practices based on the canons of science and religion, other unofficial but widely practiced traditions. The traditions of charms and folk medicine feature traits of both 'high' cultures and peripheral otherness, in practices that have interacted over time. Historically, their co-existence has often been peaceful and complementary, though at times violent as well. Traditions practiced by the masses could be banned and persecuted. This clash was based on the values of different cultures, religions, and ethnic groups, as well as economic considerations. At the same time, the antagonism between these values enriched tradition, whether that be the clashes between official religion and folk religion, permitted and forbidden medicine, correct and deluded texts and practices, or so on. Priests, monks and educated doctors have fought for the right to heal the people; church canons, prayers, and the cult of saints have influenced folk traditions; the development of conventional medicine has changed local traditions, while local conditions have determined the regional peculiarities of official religion and conventional medicine.
This conference aims to focus on canonical and non-canonical texts and practices, their co-existence and interaction over time. The conference also invites discussion on terminology and methodology of the discipline, analogue and digital resources, and future perspectives. The conference will take place both in person and online via Zoom. For epidemiological reasons, attendees are invited to join the conference online and complete the registration form:
See the conference programme at:
Working language: English
Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia
Archives of Latvian Folklore
ISFNR Committee on Charms, Charmers and Charming
Last time modified: 19.08.2022 17:42:47