Call for Papers: The 8th Conference of Young Folklorists
Are there situations when personal engagement can get in the way of truthful reporting? To whom the folklorist should be responsible more – the scholarly truth or the informant? What are the researchers’ responsibilities to those being studied? Are there any fields of research too sensitive and ethically too difficult to be addressed at all? What are the principles of ethically correct work with archived material and its representation in the digital tradition archives? What are the new ethical challenges introduced by the Digital Age? How the research is going to affect the lives of informants and should such influence be exerted by the results of the research? Can researchers have too much empathy? Some questions regarding the ethics in folkloristics might never be answered, but nevertheless: with this conference we would like the young folklorists to join the international debate.
The topics of interest for the conference include, but are not limited to the following:
- Ethical challenges in folkloristics: research, fieldwork, archives
- Overcoming stereotypes and authorities
- Professional responsibility to informants: informed consent, communication, problems of patronizing the community
- Folklore within media and creative industries
- Controversial and sensitive topics: personal information, gender issues, ownership of folklore
- Problems of defining, preserving and communi cating the intangible cultural heritage
- Ethical issues of the Digital Age
The conference is organized by the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, Archives of Latvian Folklore.
Last time modified: 02.01.2018 18:15:57