LETONICA Nr. 46 (2022)
Žurnāla drukātā versija nopērkama LU LFMI; cena: 3,00 EUR.
- Ievads. Anda Laķe, Edīte Tišheizere. The Ecosystem of Culture and Arts
Identifying the Ecosystem of Culture
- Anda Laķe, Ilona Kunda, Baiba Tjarve. Theoretical Approaches and Methodological Challenges in the Study of the Cultural and Creative Ecosystem
- Annette Naudin, Ieva Zemīte, Agnese Hermane. A framework for Exploring Cultural and Creative Industries in Regional Contexts: The Role of Cultural Intermediaries
- Rūta Muktupāvela, Ieva Vītola. The role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Ensuring Sustainability of Cultural Heritage: A case Study of the SERDE Art Residency Centre
Shifting the Focus/Paradigm
- Zane Kreicberga, Edīte Tišheizere, Līga Ulberte. Defining Contemporary Theater: Global Experiences and Latvian Practices
- Ilze Liepiņa-Šarkovska. Contribution of the Latvian Brethren Congregations to the Musical Culture of the 18th Century: Preliminary Research Results, Basic Research Directions and Perspectives
- Dita Rietuma. Cinematographic Co-productions between Latvia and the Baltic States: Experience and Trends
- Silvija Grosa, Agnese Tambaka. The ‘Ornament Grammar’ of Neoclassicism in Late Art Nouveau Interiors of Rīga
Zooming in on Elements of the Ecosystem
- Inese Sirica, Elīna Veilande-Apine. Textile Artists of the 1970s—1980s—Leaders of Folk Applied Art Studios
- Līga Goldberga. Postcards in the National Library of Latvia: Options for the Interpretation of Photographic Materials
- Zane Šiliņa. Interpretation of the Theme of Night: A Case Study of Rainis’ Creative Laboratory
Pēdējo reizi labots: 23.05.2024 12:46:56