Izsludināta pieteikšanās LU LFMI organizētajai starptautiskajai Baltijas literatūrzinātnieku konferencei, kas notiks Rīgā 23.-24. septembrī
The first biannual conference of Baltic literary scholars took place in Riga in 1996, and it has been followed by meetings in Vilnius and Tallinn. The 13th conference “Shifting Literary Culture since Stagnation in the Brezhnev Era: The Baltic Paradigm” is organized by the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia (ILFA) on 23–24 September 2021. We hope to host an in-person two-day conference at the National Library of Latvia in Riga, but, if necessary, we are ready to convert it into a virtual event in response to the pandemic restrictions.
The conference will focus on the Stagnation, an era with its own unique rules and place in the history of the Soviet period. Manifestations of the Brezhnev Era strongly affected cultural processes and continue to influence literature and art today since contemporary authors have experienced the period as adults, adolescents, or children, even if they explored this period only through the eyes of their parents. We invite you to present papers that interrogate the relationship between literary culture, community, and narratives of the period and beyond.
Keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Māra Grudule (ILFA) and Prof. Dr. Benedikts Kalnačs (ILFA) on writing the history of Latvian literature during the Soviet period.
Potential topics and themes may include (but are not limited to):
- ideological changes in literature, visual and performing arts after the Khrushchev Thaw;
- relationship with the occupation regime: collaboration and non-violent resistance;
- writing and re-writing history of literature;
- publishing industry and cultural periodicals; - mobility, tourism, and cultural contacts;
- literary translations from and into languages of the Baltics;
- joint cultural and political projects in the Baltics;
- ‘cancel culture’ – have we already experienced it?
The papers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
The working language of the conference is English.
Conference registration fee: €70, students (including postgraduate students) €50
The title of the presentation and a short CV are to be e-mailed to literatura@lulfmi.lv before 31 May 2021.
Notification of acceptance will be emailed before 30 June 2021.
Abstracts (about 300 words) should be submitted by 1 September 2021.
Conference Academic Organizing Committee:
Dace Bula (ILFA), Eva Eglāja-Kristsone (ILFA), Māra Grudule (ILFA), Zanda Gūtmane (Liepāja University), Benedikts Kalnačs (ILFA), Laura Laurušaitė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore), Anneli Mihkelev (Tallinn University), Jānis Oga (ILFA).
The full texts of conference papers will be published in the post-conference volume.
Contact and further information:
Eva Eglāja-Kristsone, eva.eglaja@lulfmi.lv
Jānis Oga, janis.oga@lulfmi.lv
Pēdējo reizi labots: 26.03.2021 12:56:50